Snoring Treatment in Calicut - Ascent Hospital


Best Effective Snoring Treatment in Calicut 

Snoring can pose serious problems to the ones who suffer. Besides predisposing the sufferer to serious ailment, snoring comes associated with a breathing disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. If you are looking for a effective solutions for Stopping Snoring, this article will be of great help to you.
Snoring is associated with a disturbing pattern of sleep. Not many of the snorers realize that it is a health condition unless it deteriorates their quality of life. Obesity and gaining a good deal of weight are the two most common Causes of Snoring. Thus for many people, snoring is caused by a variety of lifestyle and hereditary factors.

If you are a snorer too and wish to find easy-to-do cures for fighting it off, here are the ones that you can use:
i) Sometimes snoring is caused by blocked nasal passages due to allergies, sinus problems, or nasal deformities. You can utilize a saline nasal spray or any medicated over-the-counter spray for nostrils.

ii) Nasal strips can also be used that are easy to use and can make the breathing comfortable.

iii) Repositioning during the sleeping hours can also help with the trouble. Changing positions after regular intervals while sleeping can help get rid of snoring.

iv) Avoid sleeping on your back. It is advisable to sleep on a side. People who are habitual of sleeping on the back can try tennis ball t-shirts for tennis ball method to get rid of this habit. Tie a tennis ball on the back of your pyjamas, and it will prevent you from sleeping on your back.

v) Quitting smoking can also provide you with relief from the trouble.

vi) Avoid taking any sedatives or sleeping pills. Cut on the intake of alcohol.

vii) Practicing throat and mouth strengthening exercises can help make the muscles strong.

viii) You can make use of snoring pillows that are specifically helpful in providing respite from the trouble.

Snoring can be a frustrating problem. It can greatly bother the sleeping partner of the snorer as well. Other measures to control snoring include using Anti Snore Mouthpiece, Mouth Guard for Snoring, and nasal strips. Laser Snoring Treatment in calicut is the last resort when other measures fail to show any effect. It should be noted that if left untreated, snoring can lead to other health issues like irritability, daytime somnolence, decreased libido, drowsiness, and unable to concentrate. Avoiding a lifestyle that precipitates the problem and following the anti-snoring regime can greatly help the sufferers with the trouble.


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