Stapedectomy in Kerala - Ascent Hospital


Stapedectomy - Facts to Know

Stapedectomy is the removal of the middle to improve hearing. There are three bones in the middle ear - the incus, the malleus and the stapes. The stapes bone is removed for better hearing, with an instrument called otoscope. The procedure can be seen and understood better with the help of online medical videos.

After this procedure, if severe dizziness and vertigo are experienced, it is an indication of the incomplete seal between the fluids of the middle ear and the inner ear. If this is the case, it calls for immediate bed rest and examination by the ear surgeon. Experiencing dizziness and headache is common for the first two days after surgery. There is a swelling and as it subsides, and the ear drum dries up and the packing is absorbed or removed, the hearing improves within two weeks and continuously gets better over next 3 months. The patients suffering from tinnitus before the surgery will get good relief within a month and half of the procedure. And almost 90% patients have significant improvement in hearing while only about 8% experience minor improvements.

The percentage of risks and complications is very low in the stapedectomy procedure as it is very safe. Only 2% of patients may have additional hearing loss in the operated ear while 1% may lose hearing completely. While 9% patients may have disturbances in their sense of taste, only negligible 0.1% patients can experience rare complications like damaged eardrum, infection and facial nerve palsy.

The other alternatives to medical procedure may be medications, stapedetomy, hearing aids or just waiting for good results. While some with mild hearing loss may support watchful waiting and postpone the surgery, some may go for hearing aids. Though medications are not specific that cure otosclerosis, it is said that fluoride or calcium contents are effective in prevention of hearing loss by slowing down abnormal bone growth. But it should be taken care that such medications should not be used during pregnancy and doctor should be consulted for it.

Another alternative is the stapedotomy surgical procedure similar to stapedectomy. The only difference is that the surgeon uses the laser to cut a hole in the stapes in order to insert the prosthesis rather than removing the stapes. In addition, some ear surgeons use the laser to free the stapes bone without inserting prosthesis. This variation, however, works best in patients with only mild otosclerosis.

One should be aware about the consequences of chosen surgical procedures and its alternatives for safety and alertness. One should be alert about detailed information on every medical ailment for a better and healthy living.


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