What is the need of an ENT Specialist in Calicut!


Why Should I Consult an ENT Specialist in Calicut!

An ENT Specialist in calicut needs to be well versed in all aspects of the ear and nose, including otolaryngological diseases, hearing disorders, and facial plastic surgery. They specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders that affect the ears, nose, and throat. Most ENT specialists work specifically on the head and neck area while some also focus their attention on internal structures such as the respiratory tract and sinuses. Some physicians undergo further specialization by taking training courses in pediatric or surgical ENT. Training for an ENT specialist requires seven years after medical school - four years of general medicine followed by three years devoted exclusively to studying the head, neck region anatomy, physiology, histology (study of cells), pathology (study of disease), and etiology (study of the cause and development of disease). A common practice is for ENT specialists to complete a one-year pediatrics fellowship.

It depends on what type of specialist you are talking about as there are different fields within the specialty such as head and neck surgery, otoneurology, pediatric otolaryngology, rhinology (nose diagnosis/treatment), and facial plastic surgery. Speech therapy is often associated with learning disabilities or cognitive problems however it can sometimes be associated with conditions affecting the ears or nose which may require further treatment by an ear nose throat surgeon so being well versed in both areas would be advantageous.

An ENT Specialist needs to know how to treat using drugs, immobilization, and surgery.

Regarding treatment, an ENT doctor would prescribe medication for a patient's ear infection and immobilization (a "cervical collar") for neck pain. Surgery can be used to deal with more serious cases like reconstruction following cancer or traumatic injury, removal of tumors, and repair of the Eustachian tube. Some examples of ENT conditions that may require surgical intervention are: - Sinusitis (a most common reason for chronic rhinosinusitis) - Hearing loss (caused by impacted earwax or damage to small bones in the inner ear) - Chronic ear infections or cholesteatoma - Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo   For more information visit https://ascenthospital.com/ent-specialist-in-calicut.html


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